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i'm Lucy. I'm the Features Editor of Mizz Magazine. I love writing, cats and filled pasta. I get to meet quite a few celebs through my job, most of them are very short.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Meet the Lions!

Yesterday I went to the Animal Heritage Foundation to welcome some white lionesses that were being transported from South Africa! It was an amazing day (Catch the whole article in Disney Animals soon!)

Amazing Lion!
The foundation is in Kent and is closed to the public. A small number of selected endangered big cats live there with the view to breeding and where possible re-introduction to their home continents. The WHF is an innovative charity allowing people from all walks of life, nationalities and countries to join and actually assist (if they wish) in the long term care, and where possible reintroduce animals and plants in to their native habitat!

The tigers were so friendly!

The WHF is actively directing its efforts towards saving endangered species by protecting their habitat and raising awareness of the causes and threats to the endangered species and their habitats.

More info is available here!
Look out for open days and experience days :)


The Leopard jumper may have been a little much?!
Meeting the white Lions  was AMAZING! They arrived around midday and didn't actually come out of their boxes into the new enclosure as they were a little wary from such a long journey! We were allowed to go into the quarantien zone later and meet them, they were pretty sleepy!

It really is a great place and was amazing to see so many of the other Big cats! 
They are all such beautiful creatures and so well looked after, it's a real joy to see.

Matching my outfit haha

Nine month old Tiger cubs! TOO CUTE

The male white Lion 'Themba" which means Hope- waiting for his two new girlfriends!

Cub love!

The lionesses arrive at the park!

Themba pacing up and down whilst the ladies arrive!

don't look now but there's a massive lion behind you

The beautiful white lioness 'Sophia"

The other lioness 'Joy" not looking very joyful!

A black Leopard!

Catch the open days soon :)

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